
Curious to see how far it is to Gothenburg Botanical Garden or Liseberg amusement park from your campus?

Find your way around town! Here you can download a map of central Gothenburg. This map shows University facilities, gym and fitness facilities related to the universities as well as important places around the city. You can also order maps from the Visitor Centre, or pick them up on site.

In the app “Find your way on campus” you will find information about most facilities available on campus: lecture rooms, meeting rooms, departments, libraries, student services, restaurants and cafés. Their location is shown on the map including walking directions and even bus and tram information.

Whether you are studying, researching or teaching, this app is a great tool to understand how dense the city is, and where to find your next meeting point or favourite landmark. Click on the link to download it to your phone.

Both Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg are included in the app.




This App also includes:

  • Travel information around the city, including nearest bus and tram stops with real-time timetables and a travel planner.
  • Bicycle station information (“Styr & Ställ”) updated in real-time
  • All Eduroam access points around the city
  • Weekly lunch menus for some of the restaurants at the campuses.