Unimeet Gothenburg welcomes international students and researchers at University of Gothenburg and Chalmers to join this Career Development Bootcamp. The program aims to help you develop better understanding of the Swedish job market, nail your CV, improve your communication and networking skills and create and action plan to move you closer to your desired career goals.

This is an 8-week program, starting April 10th and ending June 5th. Digital workshops are held on April 10, April 24 and May 15 at 15.00-17.00. Participation in this program is free and requires your full commitment and active participation in workshops and group activities. The program is run online.

Module 1. Career in Sweden. Mindset to maximise your opportunities and thrive in a Swedish work culture.
This module is focused on creating a better understanding of the Swedish job market, cultural norms and various perspectives on stepping into career path in Sweden.  During this module participants will evaluate their personal challenges and gain more clarity on their career goals and possibilities in Sweden.

Module 2. Nailing your CV and levelling up your interview skills
This module is very practical and aims to create safe space for participants to work on and nail their CVs, develop interview skills and improve their LinkedIn profile with the help of workshops and practical group activities fuelled by feedback, guidance and support from the side of the program facilitators, as well as program peers.

Module 3. Mentorship and Networking to utilise career opportunities in Sweden
During this module participants will stretch their comfort zone and gain first hand experience in looking for a mentor who would be able to share their practical advice and support them in their career aspirations. Participants will learn about specifics of networking in Sweden and will be encouraged to take practical steps to build up the network they need to move forward with their career goals.

Module 4. Personal Action Plan to move forward towards your career goals
This is the final module where based on their newly gained knowledge, skills and identified career goals, participants will be able to develop a solid Personal Action Plan to kick start their career journey in Sweden.

This programme is very practical and demands 100% commitment from your side. We do not guarantee you a job as a result of this program. You are the one who’ll be doing  heavy-lifting. What we can guarantee is a learning by doing experience during which you’ll stretch your comfort zone, get to overcome challenges in order to generate new opportunities, develop practical skills and mindset to tap into your full potential and start moving towards your career goals with greater confidence. We expect you to be able to devote minimum 2,5 hours/week to the program activities and self-learning.

Career Development Boot Camp Program is flexible and suggests you practical tasks that you can choose for yourself based on your workload, priorities and goals. However, to those who complete all the program tasks and participates in all the program events, we are glad to offer a Program Certificate to acknowledge your effort and commitment.

Are you interested to take part in this program? Please, fill out this application form by April 3rd. Shortly after this deadline you’ll be informed about your application result and further steps to follow. With any questions in relation to the program, contact us at


Missed the registration deadline? Get in touch with us by sending an email to and we’ll notify you if there is a spot available.